Bitfinex To List GPT Token For Public Trade

There’s no question that ChatGPT caused a stir, with many people marvelling at what it could mean for the future of artificial intelligence (AI.) Riding on that wave is the new CryptoGPT (GPT) a blockchain and cryptocurrency dedicated to the development of AI. The GPT token is an Ethereum based layer 2 blockchain coin available to the public.

But CryptoGPT is far more than just another currency.

Although GPT can be bought, sold, and traded like other cryptos, there is an additional layer of intricacy. The GPT ecosystem will also be built on the idea of harvesting user’s data. Open data harvesting may sound like a questionable feature, but the team behind the crypto insist that it is all in the service of improving AI. Their justification is that since AI needs data to evolve, what better way to get that data than by harvesting it from crypto traders? Additionally, those that agree to share their data are given the chance to earn extra GPT as reward for their contributions.

Embracing Web3 Tech

Henry Child is head of tokens at Bitfinex. He made a statement regarding CryptoGPT and his decision to include the token for exchange. Child explained that AI is truly the cutting edge of technology evolution and it’s capable of opening up new doorways for future development. Child continued that he is encouraged to see so many Web3 companies embracing the tech in innovative new ways. He concluded that he is proud to be listing a new token aimed at offering the public a chance to be a part of AI development.

It is, of course, OpenAI behind CryptoGPT. OpenAI is the company that launched ChatGPT, and has since been getting enormous public attention. OpenAI is also credited for creating the link between the AI frenzy and crypto. This makes the company a prime candidate for getting into the crypto-sphere themselves.

No doubt, traders will be comfortable knowing that their harvested data is going to the company behind the exciting new technology revolution.

How Data Harvesting Works

As far as the data harvesting itself is concerned, a spokesperson for OpenAI explained the process. It is thanks to zkRollup technology that the data harvesting is not only safe and secure, but also valuable for AI development. zkRollup transforms harvested data into resources that are valuable to AI, leading to all important value creation. The spokesperson didn’t elaborate on what sort of value creation, or in what regards value will be created.

It has been confirmed, however, that the “Data-to-AI” system will be collecting and processing data into packages for commercial application. Commercial application seems to suggest that data harvesting will extend beyond being simply used for AI development, but additional information was not offered in this regard.

Big Room For Expansion

CryptoGPT has made it clear that they intend on entering many sectors with their zkRollup technology. Plans already exist for similar projects in tourism, medicine, advertising, finance and manufacturing.

The GPT token will soon be available on Bitfinex.

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